Step 1: Intake
We will visit your home to assess your needs, answer your questions and explain our services. If you are interested in becoming a participant with us after this visit, the intake team will discuss your health care needs with other team members and arrange a visit for you at our PACE Day Center.
Typically, one to two visits are necessary for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you and your special medical needs. We will ask your permission to get medical records from your other providers so we can have a comprehensive view of your specific situation.
Step 2: Assessment
After each team member has reviewed your medical condition, we will meet to talk about the care and services you need. At this meeting, the individualized plan of care is developed.
Individualized Care Plan
After the team has discussed your assessment and proposed a care plan, a staff member will call you and your family, or someone close to you, to set up a meeting to discuss your best care options. If it is determined that you qualify and you are interested in participating in PACE, you can enroll in our program.
Step 3: Approval
The nursing facility pre-admission screening team will determine whether or not you meet the level of care criteria required to participate in PACE.
CLICK HERE to learn how to appeal a the decision.
Are you ready to enroll?
We look forward to hearing from you!
Call Today! (617) 288-0970, ext. 8820
Last updated on March 28th, 2019 at 03:53 pm